Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Christmas Gift~~Part 1

after i thinking and trying hard hard hard and harder... finally i found a nice thing for him as a christmas gift...
that day.. i'm so happy.. cos i know the gift sure can surprise him.. ^^

is not easy to get the gift..
remember that day.. i was inside a lift.. saw on a notice broad..
OMG... yes yes yes.. this is the thing i want to buy for him as a christmas gift..
i jog down all the info.. send a personal email to the seller.. ask for how i going to purchase the gift..

i filled in purchase order form..
i paid for RM**.** (cant write the price here.. ^^)
i asked people for help.. at least 3 people.. to help me pass the form to the seller..
since i'm working.. i cant pass up the form by myself.. huhu
and the seller keep away.. very hard to get her.. lol.. =.="'

that day in my blog.. i wrote
A Christmas gift .. coming soon... wait ya wait ya wait ya...~~

2 days later.. i got a notice.. the gift only can delivery in mid of January..
suddenly i feel sorry to him..

i need to re-plan all the things.. :(
i promised him.. i will find another better one to replace it..
sure i can find it!!! ^^

To Be Continue~~


About Me

GLAC stand for Gavin Love Andy Chester