Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gavin Daily ~ Part 1

Avatar - The best movie i had watch for year 2009!!

19th Dec 2009, 2pm.. my fren wake me up for movie Avatar..
this is the best movie i had watch for 2009.. my personal view~~ ^^
i dont know how to explain how best is it..
i only can let you guys know.. this is the type of movie i like.. ^^

after movie.. we went for dinner..after that i went for drink with another gang of frens..
i just feel weird that night.. why all my frens so curious about my neck..
actually i had cover my neck with my jacket collar..
but donno why they still can saw it... aduh!! ><

they are so funny.. keep going asked me the related my neck question.. haha

they asked me.. so many hoh.. ^^
...oh gosh!!! so stimulate.. must very wild ya?? ~~ ^^
...aiyo~~ so many ar?? i introduce some medicinal ointment for u.. after used it very fast recover.. heheh

about their question.. i dint answer them.. i just keep smiling.. ^^
and actually i already have an answer in my heart..
... yes.. so many.. but not enough.. i wan some more.. ^^
... yes very stimulate.. and i like wild.. ^^
... no need medicinal ointment.. i wan keep it.. on my neck and .. chest.. ^^

To Be Continue...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

1st meet ~ part3 (End)

15th Dec 2009, Tuesday..
my phone ringing..
awake me from sleep..
i picked up the phone..

i know is he..
i open my eyes slowly..
oh gosh... outside so dark..

dammm it!! i'm late..
i promised to meet him at 7pm.. lolzz...

that night was a raining night..
after taking bath..
i rushed out from my house
1st time i drive from SK to shah alam..
i'm lost..for many times.. ><

9pm something ..
i met him..
for the 1st time.. finally ^^

he came into my car..
seat beside me..

i feel nervous..
but try to be cool..

he said he not yet eat..
i know that's cos of waiting me.. ><

he gave me a surprise when we going to McD..
he kiss on my face..
i cant breath for few seconds..
then my heart beating faster & faster.. ><

after McD.. we went for Movie - Twilight New Moon.. at Berjaya Time Square..
I holding his hand.. walk around Bukit Bintang..
he said to me.. we just like inside a movie.. haha.. so funny.. ^^
he gave me some special gift.. for my neck and my chest..^^

he is hot..
many times.. he made me almost loose control...
at toilet.. even inside the car..
luckly.. he know to stop me at the last minute.. huhu

At the end.. i want to say

Dy.. u make me crazy!! ><

something i want to show him before i end up this entry..
i saw this in my yahoo inbox last night.. which i dint open it for a long period.. @@

Dy.. i won it too.. hahahahahahha :p

Sunday, December 13, 2009

1st meet ~~ part 2

Tuesday... Tuesday... Tuesday is coming soon...
arg~~~~~ how long time i wait for it...

on phone with him just now..
1 and half hour.. this is normal duration.. lol.. ><

then continue with this
fb chat..

ask me dont screen shot...
hahaha.. i know actually he was remind me to do so...
hm... so.. i jus shot la.. and post here.. ^^

still planning for Tuesday... erm.. take dinner.. then back home.. is that ok?? huhu.. ><

To Be Continue~~~

Saturday, December 12, 2009


every times, when he feel sad, he will upload
this photo as his fb profile pic..

yesterday.. i called him..
on phone.. he told me he is drunk..
he said he is unhappy.. something happen to him..
he crying..

if i'm beside him sure i will give him a big hug..
but... haiz...
i donno wat to do...

the day.. i cant sleep well.. :(

today.. he is missing..
i twit him.. he no reply..
i fb him.. he no reply..
i sms him.. he no reply..
i'm worry about him...
Dy.. sms me when u see this entry.. Gavin love u..

To Be Continue...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Christmas Gift ~~ Part 2

after long time searching.. finally.. i found and i bought a christmas gift for him..
Scorpion Silver.. wow~~ hear like so expensive.. ><
for sure.. i wont tell the price here..
and of course i wont show the contain of the box here.. haha.. :p

just hope that he will like it.. ^^
To Be Continue~~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1st meet ~ part 1

arg~~ finally... he allowed me to meet him..
how long time i wait for this moment..
how excited when i heard that..
so so so so~~~~ happy!! ^^

15th Dec 2009, will be my 1st date with him..^^
going to have a romantic dinner with him..^^
after that..
may be.. i can hold his hand..
may be.. i can kiss him..
and may be....... :p

Gavin.. is waiting the day coming~~

To Be Continue~~

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Can Wait Forever~~

7th Dec 2009, i received this.. in Twitter.. sent from him..

andychester87 THE MV ON NITELIVE rite now for @gavin_yy

after heard it.. feel so touching...
i want say to him
"even u are not the 1st person i loved.. but i want you to be the last person i love in my life..
after this.. i only love u.. and YES.. i can wait.. forever..
i love u.. dy.."

"I Can Wait Forever"

You look so beautiful today
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away
So i try to find the words that i could say
I know distance doesn't matter but you feel so far away
And I cant lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

You look so beautiful today
It's like every time I turn around I see your face
The thing I miss the most is waking up next to you
When I look into your eyes, I wish that I could stay
And I cant lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

I know it feels like forever
I guess that's just the price I gotta pay
But when I come back home to feel your touch
Makes it better
Till that day
Theres nothing else that I can do
And I just cant take it
I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But i can wait
I can wait forever (I can wait forever)
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever
I can wait forever
I can wait forever...

To Be Continue~~

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kuala Selangor~~

yesterday.. my member woke me up on early 9am.. erm not early la.. but since i was sleep at 5am.. so that consider early.. ^^ why i slept at 5am?? hm.. cos of he lo.. on phone.. wanna hear his voice then only can sleep.. huhu

all the way go & all the way bac i also sleeping in car.. lol.. i just awake when eating seafood & taking photo with this sawah padi.. huhu

this sawah padi beautiful la... all in gold colour.. ^^ and all the pic i took nice too.. but i jus can upload some.. lazy to upload all.. ><

my member.. bring his bf along.... they are so sweet... ^^

but me... alone... :(
jus hope that next time i got chance to go along with him.... always miss him......

To Be Continue~~

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Christmas Gift~~Part 1

after i thinking and trying hard hard hard and harder... finally i found a nice thing for him as a christmas gift...
that day.. i'm so happy.. cos i know the gift sure can surprise him.. ^^

is not easy to get the gift..
remember that day.. i was inside a lift.. saw on a notice broad..
OMG... yes yes yes.. this is the thing i want to buy for him as a christmas gift..
i jog down all the info.. send a personal email to the seller.. ask for how i going to purchase the gift..

i filled in purchase order form..
i paid for RM**.** (cant write the price here.. ^^)
i asked people for help.. at least 3 people.. to help me pass the form to the seller..
since i'm working.. i cant pass up the form by myself.. huhu
and the seller keep away.. very hard to get her.. lol.. =.="'

that day in my blog.. i wrote
A Christmas gift .. coming soon... wait ya wait ya wait ya...~~

2 days later.. i got a notice.. the gift only can delivery in mid of January..
suddenly i feel sorry to him..

i need to re-plan all the things.. :(
i promised him.. i will find another better one to replace it..
sure i can find it!!! ^^

To Be Continue~~

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Anugerah Skrin 2009

do you believe.. love can change a person to become un-normal?? i totally believe..

see the pic beside
Anugerah skrin contest.. to win a VIP ticket..
just click click click... who click the most.. then he/she consider win this contest..

you see who is the highest counts??
you know how many times i spent to click the thing?? seriously say.. i dint count it.... but i know.. a lot.. huhu
some more.. eventho i'm the highest counts.. i stil cant get the tix.. cos i'm staff of media prima.. ahaizzz... ><
then i do all of this for wat????
Hm.. just cos of this can make me feel like.. more near with him..
he is happy when i join the contest... he happy.. then i happy lo.. ^^

To Be Continue...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Death Note

What Death Note Character Are You?
What Death Note Character Are You?

ya.. this my result of the quiz.. ^^

yesterday night.. 28th Nov 2009.. 8tv show death note..
i watched it in ofis..
at the same time.. chat with him in fb.. ^^
i love fb.. fb is the place that i get to know him..
since he said now is not yet a time for us to meet up..
fb become a place for me to date with him.. ^^

in fb.. i told him i like L

Gavin Lim
Gavin Lim
L .. like L.. ^^
Yesterday at 9:49pm · Delete
Andy Chester
Andy Chester
Yesterday at 9:54pm
Gavin Lim
Gavin Lim
L L L .. ^^
Yesterday at 9:55pm · Delete
Andy Chester
Andy Chester
wait n c
Yesterday at 9:57pm
Gavin Lim
Gavin Lim
... ok la... like andy..
Yesterday at 9:58pm · Delete
Andy Chester
Andy Chester
wait n c
Yesterday at 10:03pm
Gavin Lim
Yesterday at 10:06pm · Delete
Andy Chester
Yesterday at 10:11pm

then he sent me a link and asked me to answer a death note quiz..
i open the link... OMG.. all in english with many long questions.. and got many long option answer to choose..
arg.. so lazy to answer this kind of quiz..
but since is he asked me to answer.. ok la.. i do.. huhu..

then result shown.. haha.. is L..
and i know.. he like it.. cos his 1st respond after saw the result in fb

Andy Chester
Andy Chester
woow..Light :)
Yesterday at 10:33pm

2nd day.. his fb profile pic change to...


To Be Continue~~

Friday, November 27, 2009

1st time on phone with him..

that day.. 14th Nov 2009, 03:32am.. my phone ringing..
i saw his name display on my phone screen.. so excited..
i picked up the fon.. hello..
he said : #$$%%^&^&*$%^$%&
i said : huh??
then he said : #$$%&%^$%$&$%^
i said : ee.... where are u??
he said : Sunway.. (actually he said somewhere.. but i heard Sunway)
i said : oo... Sunway..
then he said : #$^$%^$%&$%^$
i said : huh??
lastly he said : talk to you later..
i said : oo..
then we off phone.. then i came out with the fb status above..
my colleague though i heard ghost voice.. hahahhaha.. XD

after few minute.. i recieved a msg from him.. said that.. he made a wrong col..

hahahhahahha.. so funny.. ^^
after that.. he always ask me to call him.. but i never call..
until today.. 27th Nov 2009, 01:30pm.. on phone with him for 2nd time.. :)
seriously say.. he got a sexy voice that can give me so many imagination..
arg~~~ hopefully i can hear it everyday, everytime... :p

To Be Continue...

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I donno him before this~~
and I donno start when he appear in my FB friend list..

That day, he tag me a MV in FB..
After i watched it, yes.. i like this MV.. seriously.. i felt very excited!! wow!! damn nice..
I decided to air this MV in 8TV nitelive show..
here our 1st conversation in FB..

Gavin Lim
wow.. nice clip.. i going to request put in 8tv nite live.. ^^
November 5 at 3:31pm
Andy Chester
@Gavin...wah! inform me lah k...boleh i tgk :')
November 5 at 9:00pm

haha.. very simple and nothing..
8tvnitelive producer is my friend.. to request a song goes on air is not a hard mission for me.. ^^
then few days later in FB

Gavin Lim
andy... tonight 8tvnitelive.. 12.45am-2am.. but need to vote it.... only display if it is highest counts... huhu
November 7 at 6:14pm
Andy Chester
Just cant wait!! I want it show on 8TV!!! :') melvin tonite aite? hohoho
November 8 at 12:20am
Gavin Lim
yaya... melvin.. heheh..
November 8 at 12:23am
Andy Chester
gavin..whats your twitter? :')
November 8 at 1:39am
Gavin Lim
dont have twitter.. huhu... yes... the song on air already.. hahahah!!!! i lov u!!
November 8 at 2:11am
Andy Chester
love u too, so cool huh Taeyung! :')
November 8 at 2:55am

so unbelieveable.. jus few days i knew him i already said i lov u to him.. haha^^
after that.. i get his phone number..i create twitter acc.. i create this blog.... etc all because of him..
but he never tell me.. where he stay...

here a question i wanna ask him:
just like this song title.. Where u at??
specially thanks for Taeyang - where u at MV.. jus becos of you.. i "met" a important person in my life..

To be continue...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i lov andy~~

Just for my love..

About Me

GLAC stand for Gavin Love Andy Chester